Disapproving Faces
There is a fact of life that took me a long time to accept. Namely, not everyone in your life will like you. I know. I am not liked by certain people, and they like to let me know this by the way they look at me. That "disapproving look". That, "Is she for real"? look. That, "Hmm, I don't trust her" look. I have no real idea why certain people do this, but this I know....I am blissfully uncaring of the opinion of other people. In fact, what other people think of me is absolutely none of my business anyway! To live one's life completely unbothered by the good opinion of other people is the way to go, and it took me thirty years to feel this way. Call it getting older, call it tolerance, or call it enlightenment, but don't take what others think personally, whatever you do. Don't let it take you thirty years to get this. It's best to just let people be, opinions and all. If truth be known, someone else's opinion of us ha...