A Higher Vibration
You can tap into it anytime. When you're down, tired, used up, sick, overwhelmed or even experiencing great joy, you can align yourself instantly with a frequency that moves at the speed of light.....and through your life, if you let it. There is a higher energy level that is always moving, always available, always present to us, and as a Reiki master I have felt it, used it as a means to facilitate healing, and allowed it to enter and transform my life. Some think of this energy as God, and I do too, but I also like to think of God as pure radiance, pure light, pure love, a pure vibrational frequency that runs through every living thing. Every blade of grass has an angel standing over it saying, "Grow"! And it does. Whatever you believe this life force to be, whatever name you call it, call upon it now to move into your life, then hold on, cause that's when the fun starts! I have noticed that when I'm motivated by love, when I'm aligned with a freque...