When It Just Keeps Raining

If you're a follower of this blog then you know I tend to look at life around me, from the mundane to the epic, then write about it to try and bring some kind of meaning to the things that go on....the hidden lessons I am forever attempting to unearth. Here's another, for what it's worth:

It's been raining here in Kentucky, for oh, I don't know, maybe 90 days straight now....give or take. Another grey day, a promise of sunshine, then rain, then more rain, then tornados, then flash floods, then rain. And then....more rain. Now the floods are starting to besiege our state, not a good thing by any stretch of the imagination. But....here's the thing....all this rain brings us the most spectacular Fall foliage down the road, in October, and we're going to have to wait for it. All this rain brings explosive growth in the landscape. Lushness like I've never seen before in all my life. The ground is saturated more the it needs, yet it takes it in, and when Mother earth can't take anymore she spills over onto everything.....like the unabated tears of our life we hold back and refuse to shed, until we we simply have to let go.

This is what I've been thinking about on these rainy days....personal growth is like Mother Nature. You have the clouds (the troubles), and then you cry, and the tears threaten to overtake you, and they do from time to time. Then you regroup, you take it in, you let it soak into your soul, and if you're aware enough, you grow out of the necessity that is in our human nature...to overcome.

I watched a tornado nearly come down on me about a month ago. Seriously the closest I have ever come to being in a tornado and possibly suffering tragic consequences. But I was mesmerized. The awesome power of such a thing is amazing to me to behold. Luckily I was in a place where I could have gone underground for cover if need be, but I was drawn to watch this thing above me. The swirling, rotating clouds, the blackness of the sky, the wind and hail. The violence of it held me captive for a few moments. And here's why: All I could think of was the sky represented human emotions, all confused and angry, storming about, threatening, then coming down suddenly to earth and tearing up everything in it's path. Like anger. Like fear. Like depression. Unless handled, these things will wreck a path of destruction in our lives as sure as any hurricane/tornado/or earthquake. I felt compelled to equate the whole scene to my own life....a while back. I knew I needed to handle my "stuff" or it would take over my life and destroy me, wipe me out, drown me....no two ways around it. So, out of that observation, and having lived it, I pose the question.....what is your personal storm? What threatens you, what darkens your days and churns up your life? It can either spiral out of control, or it can dissipate, just like the tornado did I witnessed that day. Thankfully.

Nature forever holds the key for me to heal my own life. And really, nothing needs to change outwardly in my life for healing to take place. It's an inside job, but the funny thing is when the inside storms are handled, the outward takes on a deep peace that transcends all trouble.

This is my wish for you today....handle the storms. Look deeply into their meaning in your life, be a silent witness to the fury that passes through. Like the strong oak tree that bends but does not break, stand quiet in the passing of all the would shake us to our core. Let the tears be shed, let the fears come to the surface, then like this Mother we call Earth, take it in, renew your landscape, grow with freshness and vigor. Live the seasons of your life in peace. The storms will pass, they always do. But if there is something deeper that needs healing, I hope you find the courage to heal it. Reach out and ask for all that this life provides....support from professionals, friends who care, a teeming universe full of unseen guardians that will rush to your side if called. Renewal will surely come. Your personal landscape can and will become lush with new life. This is my rainy day musing, and my prayer.

Until next time....blessings upon your heart



  1. "This is my wish for you today....handle the storms. Look deeply into their meaning in your life, be a silent witness to the fury that passes through. Like the strong oak tree that bends but does not break, stand quiet in the passing of all the would shake us to our core. Let the tears be shed, let the fears come to the surface, then like this Mother we call Earth, take it in, renew your landscape, grow with freshness and vigor. Live the seasons of your life in peace."

    Cindy you have expressed exactly what I am aware of right now in my life so beautifully. Thank you for sharing this universal wisdom. I am so happy to have discovered your blog today.

  2. Thank you Laura for your kind words. Blessings on your journey....


  3. I love this. Thank you for these words. They're beautiful and so full of wisdom!


  4. Thank you, Melissa. Just like the name of your own blog, life IS a mystery sometimes, and I hope I never fully figure it out. Therein lies the beauty of it all. xo


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